Friday, 27 April 2012

Bake Cake

Tip number 4: BAKE! you really ought to. i personally love baking- whether it be cake, pastry or pudding as long as it's baked i love making it! i recently made tiny sponge cakes with lemon curd filling and they were delicious! if i do say so myself... but yes- tip number 4: baking is good for you and you should do it!

Friday, 20 April 2012

Give them your all

Tip Number three: if the get given an opportunity to be good, be excellent.
it takes a certain level of intelligence and determination to follow this one through, but you know what i might as well give you all a challenge. what i mean by this tip is if someone says "I want you to sing in front of someone" or "i would really enjoying watching you perform" or "i want to sample some of your poetry" don't just give them a simple, comfortable thing that you know is ok but not your best, give them your all- your best shot is your best arrow after all.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012


I recently, by which i mean today, discovered that i have been taking the longest route from the station to my house every day and that there is one that is far quicker that i never knew about. And so my second tip is:
2: try every route in life until you find the quickest, best and most efficient route to where you want to go.
*this applies to everything from bus journeys to career paths. it eliminates the feeling of looking back and thinking "if only i had...."

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Harry Potter...

so after a few days of subjecting one's self to JK Rowling I've decided my first tip for this fool proof guide, tested by me, is LISTEN TO YOUR FRIENDS. a very important thing to do- look past your preconceptions and inner snob and listen, don't necessarily follow the advice but if you listen you might discover something. after all since listening to my mates i've discovered potter isn't so bad and that friends quite like it when you listen to them.
to clarify:
tip 1~ Listen to your friends, and family as a matter of fact, sometimes (but not always) they are right.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

changing the world one tip at a time

To begin changing the world I have decided I need to know the world. And to do that I have to begin at the bottom. I am going to read any book -within reason- that is recommended to me whether it be sci-fi or shakespeare, new or old, bad or good. I have begun with the books I have refused to read for many years but that have been thrust at me at every occasion by my friends..... Harry Potter......

Once upon a time...

And so the journey begins... To start I'd like to introduce myself: I'm Miss Nobody, nice to meet you.
Well now that's done we can get down to the serious business of explaining exactly what this blog is....

I have one ambition in life: to change the world. Whether anyone notices the change doesn't matter, but I don't intend to float through life without leaving even a fingerprint on the world. I certainly don't intend to spend my entire life waiting for someone else to leave their mark before leaving mine.

This blog should, I hope, inform you of exactly how I change the world and by the time I sign off for the last time I intend to sign off knowing that the world is different because of me and that Miss Nobody is finally Somebody.