Monday, 28 January 2013

By Gove, he hasn't got it!

Michael, Michael, Michael... tut, tut. 
You've really done it this time. 

Let's just recap what Gove has done so far for our education system that we love... *tumble weed roles past* 

oh dear.

Now what about what we don't like so much... 

1: EBacc. now what is that all about Govey? Ofqual doesn't seem to like it very much having said that it "may exceed what is realistically achievable through a single assessment". English, Maths, science, a language and either history or geography is all very well if you are a student who is academically gifted but if you aren't and are better suited to more vocational qualifications well... if we're honest... you're done for. Making things harder doesn't make students more motivated it actually does the opposite and crushes self esteem. So that was well thought through wasn't it?

2: Terminal exams: NO, NO and NO. Modular exams track the development, progress and offer a much better, more rounded image of the student's ability. According to Gove if you muck up one exam you are basically a failure all round and deserve no qualification at all. Thanks for that. 

3: Let's get rid of arts subjects: Oh that's nice. Let's just destroy that whole group of educated, interesting, creative people because they aren't as important as people who like multiplication. After all artists don't have to think about art work, do they? It's ridiculous- the arts require both intelligence and motivation to achieve success and you can't just stop promoting them as core subjects because your weren't very good at them yourself! I agree with Anthony Gormley- let's lock Gove in an Art Gallery until he understands. ( ) 

now i could continue but i think you get the gist.....

SO another Tip (mostly for Gove and his supporters): get educated about the education system and what your bad decisions actually mean for the normal people you are imposing them on. 

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