Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Cameron's Kitchen Table #1

Let's set the scene...

*The Cameron Family Home*
A comfortable, cream, "shabby chic" country kitchen with a view of a vast, green garden peppered with chairs, geraniums and evidence of Cameron spawn's play time... Samantha Cameron lounges on an arm chair flicking through a 'thinspiration' magazine and considers trying the fasting diet. David Cameron reads the economist and the financial times and chortles with relish at the idea of a 'triple dip recession'. 

David: Triple dip? recession? damn those impoverished people with their needs and rights. 

Samantha: I'm afraid you rather rely on those serfs and beggars for your votes... How are you going to sort it out?!

David: calm down dear! I suppose i'll have to cut something.... What about the NHS? Do we need that?

Samantha: Well we don't. We go private anyway...

David: and quite right too! I'd never be seen dead, or alive for that matter, in one of those peasant institutions! Right- let's cut that then. Which hospital first? 

Samantha: well a few have fallen already...

David: That's true... Think of a letter.

Samantha: L?

David: L... L... L... Lewisham! Lewisham A&E is absolutely full to bursting with snotty, dirty, poor people. urgh. Consider it gone.

Samantha: very good dear.

David: Now what about education..... let me just give Michael a call.....

And thus i have discovered how conservative policy is developed! On a less sarcastic note: The privatisation and destruction of the NHS is unforgivable. If there is one thing that England is allowed to proud of it's that we provide everyone, no matter how rich or poor they are, with access to free healthcare.

TIP: fight for the NHS and the education system and for our rights as people of the UK. Fight for what shouldn't have to fight for. We can't afford not to. 

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