Monday, 4 February 2013

Chris Huhne fails his driving test

Chris Huhne has now admitted to making his then wife take the blame for his speeding. It actually makes me laugh that last year he was ranting about how he denied the charges and would fight reporters in the courts and even last month he was still determinedly pleading "not guilty", yet now... now he's resigned as an MP and is probably (not) looking forward to a spell in prison. I wonder how he'll go down in jail... not great, i imagine.

What really strikes me about this story is how the AA have responded. They said that it "sent a clear message" to other drivers who consider making other people take the blame for their road offences. It makes you think about just how often this sort of thing happens... Apparently we are whole country of people telling their less successful spouse to take the blame for their road rage- sounds promising....

The other major knock on effect that it will have is that suddenly there is a window open in Eastleigh for another party to take the majority there in the next general election- It looks like Eastleigh is about to get a lot less liberal and a bit more... well.... either UKIP or conservative (now there is a lose lose situation!). I have never liked the liberal democrats and i have certainly never liked Chris Huhne but he is a hell of a lot better than Nigel Farage! Let's just hope this by-election doesn't leave us with a UKIP seat... we have steered pretty much clear of them so far and thank goodness for that, i say!

I suppose we should all tut and shake our heads at Huhne but do we really have the time? He's resigned. Once you've got the facts there isn't much more to discuss. I think the AA making a sort of (Im)moral example of him is a little excessive. He doesn't have the moral fibre we would like to see in our politicians but, if we're honest, can any of us name one politician who we actually think doesn't have any dirty secrets? I don't think so. Yes, we do all dislike Huhne. And Yes, he is an idiot for doing it. But if there is one thing we should really take from it, it's the fact that he managed to get away with it for so long- 10 YEARS!?! really? what is our justice system coming to? We need a few more Poirots methinks...

Tip: if you are living in the Eastleigh constituency please don't vote in a conservative or UKIP or any one else like that for that matter. Pleaassssseeeeeeeee.

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