Friday, 1 February 2013

poverty, prejudice and the politically incorrect

So I wrote a little post about Iain Duncan Smith for my friend's blog and i wondered if you'd like to have a read:

The style is a little different but i thing the message still rings true- Our politicians don't understand how the poor live and don't appear to be attempting to either. They seem to think if they can just sweep a whole demographic of people under the carpet and then make some cuts to clear the defect (unsuccessfully, i might add) that affect those that need the support the most. It's absolutely disgusting, to be honest. It's a combination of prejudice, ignorance and stupidity- and to think we let these people run our country?! Well, i don't know about you, but i can't wait for the revolution!

Tip: as I've said before let's try and make ourselves heard and speak out against this ridiculous, loathsome behaviour. Politicians are meant to represent the people and i don't think they're doing a very good job.

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